Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Institute for training musicians opens in Trench Town

KINGSTON (JIS) — Jamaica's capacity to train and certify musicians, music producers and sound engineers to international standards, has been boosted with the official launch of the Jamaica Music Institute (JAMIN) .
The establishment of the facility, located at the Federal Gardens Community Centre in the island's mecca for talented musicians, Trench Town, Kingston, was made possible through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/Jamaica Violence Prevention, Peace and Sustainable Development Programme.
Manager of Music Business Technology Trainers, which will be carrying out training, the Reverend Don McDowell, explained that JAMIN will consist of a recording studio with a state-of-the-art C24 digital recording console, which will produce high quality, professional material.
"For the sake of having a very high standard of recording, we went for this kind of equipment. Plus, it will also have a training laboratory, which will consist of six work stations on which we will train sound engineers," Reverend McDowell said.
"One of the significant things about it is that this studio will be Jamaica's (and the Caribbean's) first international certification laboratory, certifying persons in the use of the industry standards, and Pro Tools software."
According to Revered McDowell, the establishment of the music institute will not only enhance employment prospects, and increase knowledge for music producers and technicians, but will bring people into the community and "that means the perception of Trench Town for being a dangerous place must be erased."
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security, Dianne McIntosh, stated that with the training provided under JAMIN, residents will be gainfully employed, which will reduce their chances of engaging in "alternative risky lifestyles".
Deputy Representative of the UNDP in Jamaica, Akiko Fujii, said the Programme has been "very comprehensive in helping Jamaica to develop and institute crucial policies and strategies. The project has also helped to develop and build trust between the citizens and the police."
The UNDP/Jamaica Violence Prevention, Peace and Sustainable Development Programme, seeks to develop violence prevention policies and programmes; increase the capacity of institutions to prevent armed violence and increase community safety; increase effectiveness and coherence of international support for armed violence prevention, policies and programmes; and enhance safety in targeted communities.

Source: Jamaica-Observer